Author. Advocate. Leader.


Humanists advance the separation of church and state, but have not always consistently engaged with pressing issues of race, class, gender, and sexuality--namely, those linked to economic, environmental, and social justice. Roy Speckhardt calls for humanists everywhere to center justice in their humanism by promoting public policy based on ethical humanist principles. Acknowledging the challenges inherent to this type of advocacy and activism--such as balancing short-term needs with long-term goals, and espousing a common humanity without erasing differences--he makes a compelling case for championing justice-centered humanism.

Roy Speckhardt (he/him) is a leader in nonprofit development and advocacy with 25 years of experience in management, fundraising, public relations, lobbying, research, field organizing, accounting and event planning.
He is the development director at VoteRiders where he is supporting its efforts to ensure that no eligible voter is prevented from casting a ballot that counts due to voter ID laws.
Speckhardt was the past executive director of the American Humanist Association where he served for over 15 years, growing the organization's membership from 5,000 to over 34,000, budget from $700,000 to over $3 million, and helping humanism become a more widely recognized and respected philosophy of life in American society.
A prolific speaker, Roy has presented at many local humanist organizations, national conferences, Unitarian Universalist churches, Ethical Culture Societies, Humanistic Jewish Congregations, and universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, and Oxford.
He previously served as deputy director of The Interfaith Alliance, worked on the World of Difference project at the Anti-Defamation League, and engaged in tele-fundraising for major organizations such as AIDS PAC, American Red Cross, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Kennedy Center, National Public Radio stations, National Wildlife Federation, PFLAG, and Planned Parenthood.
Originally from Carmel, New York, Roy lives in Washington, DC with his spouse, Maggie Ardiente, and is the father of Johanna and Max. He enjoys biking, camping, travel, and cheering for the Miami Dolphins and the Washington Capitals.
Roy Speckhardt is the author of Creating Change Through Humanism, published in 2015 by Humanist Press. The book provides a modern approach to humanism -- the not-so-radical idea that you can be good without a belief in a god -- and how it compels us to make the world better.
Upon the book's release, it ranked #3 on Amazon's Hot New Releases and #4 on Amazon's Best Sellers under the subject of Religion & Philosophy. The book is provided to all new members who join the American Humanist Association.


Marched in support of Black Lives Matter and protested against President Trump and police brutality

Marched in support of legislation to end gun violence

Rallied at the U.S. Supreme Court during oral arguments in major LGBTQ+ rights case, Hollingsworth v. Perry

Marched in support of Black Lives Matter and protested against President Trump and police brutality